The Council of Nodd
The Council of Nodd is accepted by most to have been present as long as the city itself, and its origins are likewise unknown. This doesn’t stop citizens from having their own theories, which range from scientific theories to utter madness - some individuals regard the entity as a higher power capable of far more than just maintaining order. The secretive and often destructive nature of the Council does little in keeping these conspiracies at bay.
The Council of Nodd is made up of the major and minor council.
The Major Council
The major council is made up of the citygods and The Unseen Ones - a small group of anonymous figures who deal directly with the citygods. These unknown entities convey the collective will of the citygods to the minor council for enforcement.
Each citygod is an ancient and corrupted cityspeaker, considered the most powerful in their aspect of magic. Each also has a following - called a house - as a source of belief to sustain power.
Citygods receive treatment that falls between royalty and imprisonment. Generally restricted to their chambers but housed lavishly, their purpose is to assess the needs of the city, and to answer inquiries posed by the minor council.
The Minor Council
The minor council attempts to enact and enforce the will of the collective major council through rapidly-changing laws, announcements, and regulations.
The minor council is made up of various organizations known as Courts. The courts are sections of the Council Spire, and usually refer to the buildings through which citizens can access related services.
The Minor Council also gives formal judgment on disputes between citizens or corporations. A court hearing may be requested by anyone, but most are ignored. In some cases, a citizen may even face punishment for requesting a court hearing over something deemed particularly petty or suspected of being anti-Council.
Induction is a process that all incoming outsiders are subjected to as they enter the City from the surrounding wilds. Most of this process involves an invasive procedure which analyzes and catalogs various details about the subject, and in exchange provides them with a very basic understanding of Nodd. Not much is known about the specifics of the procedure beyond that - except that it is traumatizing to those who undergo it.
Ordinances are nonsensical laws are imposed on various parts of the City, purely to cause chaos and fear among Nodd's inhabitants. These are ever-changing and unpredictable, and many are created on the spot by Council Attendants as a means to harass citizens. It's not uncommon for someone to be punished or executed over transgressions such as singing, blinking too much, having stripes, being clothed, or not speaking in rhyme.
Punishments and executions are performed day and night in The Amphitheater, and the public is encouraged to attend. A citizen can access a schedule of upcoming punishments and executions via their ego bracer, and attend whatever piques their interest. Most punishable crimes a citizen can commit are due to not generating enough chaos, or going against the Council in some way.
Any spells used by a Council Reaper are likely to be of the highest caliber.
The Arcanet
The Arcanet contains all information about the world made public by the Council - one can find information about species, weather, upcoming events, and more. Most shops and services have a public hologram that can be accessed when concentrated upon; these often begin to partially manifest when one passes by the associated establishment. These holograms contain basic information and often the option to purchase items or download free samples to one’s ego bracer.
The Arcanet is also home to a number of solo and competitive games playable on one’s ego bracer. Almost all of them require gloam to play, and promise substantial winnings. These are an easy and convenient way to gamble away one's livelihood.